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9mo ago

Mixing weed with toothpaste will not produce any psychoactive effects since toothpaste does not contain any compounds that can interact with the cannabinoids in marijuana. Additionally, it is not recommended to consume toothpaste as it is meant for oral hygiene purposes only.

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Q: What happens when you mix weed with toothpaste?
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Why Toothpaste does not mix?

Most toothpaste is like a gel, gel is considered a solid even though it can easily be mishaped. they insert toothpaste often in patterns, and that's how it comes out when you squeeze it. I'm sure if you took 2 tubes of different color toothpaste and put it into a bowl then mixed it with a spoon, it would mix; but your question is very similar to something like, "When you hold your toothpaste upside down does the toothpaste come out". It doesn't mix in the tube, but you can mix toothpaste together.

Where do toothpaste come from?

Colgate is an American company, set up in New York in 1806, it initially made soap, candles and starch, but started production of toothpaste in 1873. At first the toothpaste was sold in a glass jar, they started packaging toothpaste in tubes in 1908.

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NO but you can definetly mix weed in it

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