Not a lot, I think. Hash is another preparation of cannabis/marijuana.
You can mix marijuana with most every drug. In fact, I do not know of any medications/drugs that are dangerous to take with marijuana.
usually death from the oxy coke and beer the weed just makes it better
when it contains marijuana, its never "safe"
I think you can
smoke,and eat just like in hashbrowins u just mix the marijuana in with itYou don't Just mix marijuana in with it. It's a little complicated but easily done to cook marijuana. Look it up on the internet and you will have many recipes depicting it.
um idt loratabs have 1000mg um i think 15mgs is ahigh ammount... i call BS
Marijuana is usually safe to mix with other drugs, if you are experienced with both.
nothing happens. nothing happens.
Yes, Idiot don't do that.