You lose interest in spending time with that person, actions that may not have bothered you while in love can becoming annoying, they may not be attractive to you anymore, other people will seem more interesting, you may want to spend time with someone you are attracted to.
It just happens when it happens, be patient.
It will haunt u so never fall in love
you start to fall in love
they fall in love
You can't make a person fall in love ,love happens when two people have a really strong conection
It just happens. It is called a stretch goal. you don't know how to fall in love, but when you wish to fall in , it happens!
Its part of what happens in the circle of life.
Your heart gets crushed.
Well no one can really tell until it happens.
You fall in love.
Katniss and Peeta fall in love.
Not that strange. It happens sometimes.