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The bong water is not only meant to cool the smoke, but also it catches other carcinogens (not even harmful, but not healthy of course). Contrary to popular belief that it gets you higher, it doesn't. Drinking the bong water just puts all the carcinogens that were caught in the water into your body.

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14y ago
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15y ago

you puke your guts and get sick. bong water is tar that is filtered from the weed.

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charred tobacco and cannabis broth? lol

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Q: What happens when you drink the bong water?
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What happens when you drink bong water?

The bong water is not only meant to cool the smoke, but also it catches other carcinogens (not even harmful, but not healthy of course). Contrary to popular belief that it gets you higher, it doesn't. Drinking the bong water just puts all the carcinogens that were caught in the water into your body.

What is dragonball white monkey?

dont drink the bong water

Pass a drug test if you drank bong water?

I would think that if all you did was drink some bong water you could pass a test.

What is an ice bong?

An ice bong is just a bong with ice in the water cooling the smoke making it less irritating

If you quit smoking weed on jan112009 your drug test is in march will you pass?

Probably... Drink lots of citrus juice and water, but don't drink the water from your bong!

Does using an alcoholic drink in a bong instead of water boost the high?

No, it just wastes alcohol.

Does bong water get you high?

Bong Water is the water that is added to a water pipe in order to achieve the desired filtering and bubbling effect. Once the water has been used to filter the smoke it becomes black and smelly. When most people think of bongwater they remember how long it took for the smell to dicipate from the room the first time they spilled their bong.

How unhealthy is it to smoke a bong with liquor in it and then drink the bong liquor?

That depends on how good your Health Insurance is. But, yes, you will get very sick.

What happens if you drink gray water?

is we drink grey water we will get really REALLY REALLY sick!!!!!!

What happens if you drink a lot of water?

If you drink too much water you may suffer water toxicity which can be fatal.

What happens to sewer water?

people drink it

Does Miley Cyrus smoke or drink?

YES! she was caught smoking a bong!!