follow your heart
also choose the guy you would most want to be you life mate.
and also choose the guy you wouldnt mind sharing everything with
(also if he is a player it usually ends up in heartbreak but like i said go with you heart) xx
and what ever your choice i am happy for you.
If he is Mexican.
Answer Ask youself which of the two guys wants you for you and not for what's under your clothing. Ask yourself which of the two guys is likely to treat you like a real person and want to keep you in his life for sometime to come and make your decision based upon what's best for you.
They ask about your relationship status. If they know you have a boyfriend and they ask how you two are doing he is waiting for you
Juliet asks for the identity of two other guys before she asks about Romeo to disguise the fact that it is romeo that she is really interested in.
ask them to tell about their self. then when they are done choose the best guy.
because idk and u guys are making me answer question that i ask what
Guys don't really " ask" you to be their friend. It just happens... If you don't know if you're friends, then think about how well you two know each other. Sometimes you can become friends in just two days! I know because it's happened to me!
why do you disagree with girls should'nt ask guys out?
Yes, it happens all the time. Guys will be guys.
tell her you'd love to guys dance with her
no guys should ask you out.
Let them have time they will decide in a day or two and if they forget ask again.