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well i have braces and when i kiss someone they don't get stuck in someones mouth. if your having a super slimey tongue kiss they are most likely to get stuck that way

i know someone that had braces and at school she made out with a guy who also had braces, their braces got stuck and they had to be sent to the nurse's office to get detached from each other. :)(: it was hilarious!!

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Q: What happens when people with braces kiss?
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What happens if you kiss someone who has braces and you have braces too?

Hey, Nothing Happens It Is Just Like Normal :) Dr E

Can two people with braces french kiss?

i gues.. but be VERYYY careful!!

Is it true that people that have braces if they kiss will their teeth stick together?

Amelia: The simple answer to that is no.

How do you kiss a boy with braces?

Well, coming from me, a 12 year old girl with braces ... nothing is different! Just lean and kiss! Same as a kiss with a boy without braces! Good Luck!

How do you kiss a girl when you have braces?

You just kiss like usual!

Are people with braces better kissers?

Whether someone is a good kisser or not has more to do with their skills and technique than with whether they have braces. Braces may require some adjustments in kissing technique to avoid discomfort, but they do not necessarily make someone a better or worse kisser.

How do you kiss at age thirteen with braces?

it will come to you. its hard to explain. dont worry though its not like the other persons tongue will get stuck, that rarely happens. its like a normal kiss :)

What happens when two peopole that have ortadontic braces kiss?

Well the results may not be that fun. It MAY get stuck and your two braces would get attached. I imagine it wouldn't be fun to UN-attach them, huh?

Will your braces effect the way you kiss?


Can you kiss if you wear braces?


If you have braces can you still kiss?

Yes, you can still kiss with braces. It may take some getting used to and being mindful of your braces during the kiss, but it is possible to have a normal kissing experience while wearing braces. Just be gentle and communicate with your partner about how to navigate the braces.

How do you kiss with braces and ruberbands?

Very carefully.