Waste is carried out of the baby through the umbilical cord and is excreted by the mother when you are pregnant.
During childbirth the baby can poo while in the womb. This can be seen in a greenish tinge when the mothers waters break, or during active labor. A baby pooing during labor can be a sign that the baby is in distress and measures may need to be taken to move along your labor and get the baby out quickly.
The Baby
When a child is born with abnormalities, what happened was before birth, while the baby was developing, the brain was not formed correctly.
At the end of A Farewell To Arms, Catherine dies during child birth along with the baby. Henry is left alone in Sweden and walks back to the hotel in the rain.
You have a baby!
Yes, smoking weed during pregnancy can be harmful to the baby's development. Research has shown that it can lead to low birth weight, premature birth, and developmental issues in the child. It is recommended to avoid using marijuana during pregnancy to protect the health of the baby.
Yes drug use during pregnancy will effect your baby. Depending what you are taking and the amount anything from birth defects to giving birth to a baby born addicted!
Fertilization of the egg does not occur during the birth process. Birth is the process of delivering a baby from the mother's womb, which happens after fertilization, implantation, and gestation have already occurred.
A baby is born.
November 2, 1942... She died during child birth and the baby did also! :(
the mum and child are sprinkled with water. the father places ghee and honey in the baby's tongue and then he whispers the word for God into the baby's ear
Building up to the actual birth, the cervix goes through spasms and the opening enlarges. It becomes thinner (called effacement) and opens (called dilation). When the cervix is fully dilated (about ten centimetres), contractions help the baby to move from the uterus into the vagina, and the birth takes place.
Sometimes it is safe to use the c section technique. The baby could die during a vaginal birth. This procedure is safe and effective.