Facebook will never "Die" but it will become unpopular at a time.
Your facebook profile can now become your ever-lasting presence in this world. On October 2009 Facebook chief security officer announced it will memorialize the profiles of its deceased users. Once a user is confirmed dead, Facebook keeps his wall active for friends and family to keep posting, for the sake of showing respect and love. You may use a facebook application named "If I Die", where you can instruct your friends what to do with your account, AND - create a legacy video!
you brush it and you get its fur.
facebook returns to the old photo-viewing system.
your acount is deleted\
Then you dont ave one
Your Facebook account won't shut down!! You just need to keep on Facebook a lot or you will loose it forever!
They are gone as well.
That means you delete your friend
R.O.D means My Ride Or Die Female or Dude.For Example: I Love Melissa because she is my R.O.D Thats just saying basically Ariana is my Ride or Die (Meaning that she will always have my back no matter what happens