

Best Answer
  • Whether Christian or not cheating is the lowest form in a relationship. People are not perfect and make mistakes so in order to clear your already guilty conscience you should level with your wife and start trying to enhance your marriage. The problem today is many people would rather cheat than try to save their marriage. Nothing bad will happen to you because your conscience will haunt you until you straighten your life out. The grass is not always greener on the other side of the fence which simply means no matter what your relationship you get into will also have problems. Work on your marriage!
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Q: What happens to a christian man when he cheats on wife?
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Such a man would not appear to respect his wife or his marriage vows.

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Legally, nothing. If the man is granted the divorce and keeps the mistress, then she has won the honor of being with a man that can't be trusted.

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There is no special name for a woman whose husband cheats on her. The name of a man whose wife cheats on him is a cuckold.

Can a christian woman marry to a man who is having more than one wife?

no, but a Muslim can. it is illegal if you are christian.

What does it mean if a man cheated on his wife with mistress then cheats with you?

A man who has cheated on his wife with a mistress and then does it again with you, is a man who is motivated by lust, and who will never be sexually faithful to anyone. If he should ever tell you that he intends to leave his wife and marry you instead, don't believe him.

When a man cheats on his wife does that mean he is also cheating on his lover?

I suppose you could look at it that way. When he has sex with his wife, he is cheating on his lover and vice versa.

What happens to a man that married a Mexican women?

He has a Mexican as a wife.

How do you believe a married man that cheats on his wife and says he loves you?

forgiveness, and healing. It takes time. Love him harder.

When you type in cheats on kotor 2 nothing happens?

LIES!! :P You have to know what to type and press man >:S