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The alcohol, which is a neurotoxin, depresses and shuts down the various bodily functions. When respiration goes, so do you.

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Q: What happens in your body during alcohol blood poisoning before death occures?
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Different people process alcohol differently. I know that women's bodies metabolize alcohol differently and slower than men do.

How many shots of everclear before alcohol poisoning?

Everclear is 95% alcohol. Comparing that to most vodkas (40%) it is more than twice as strong. There are warning labels on the bottle that tell you not to drink it straight due to very possible harm to your body. Anyways, one shot of Everclear is about 2.5 shots of most other alcohol Alcohol poisoning is different for everyone. Alcohol usually has a greater effect on lighter weight and women, so they would succumb to alcohol poisoning before a heavier person. But it also varies by other things such as fat content, ethnicity, what or how much you have eaten that day. I would guess for the general population, alcohol poisoning would start around 2 - 3 shots, and right after those is death. (but it could start after 1 shot) play it a little safer and mix it with stuff, ALOT of non-alcoholic liquids before drinking

Who poisoned billie Jackson?

Nobody poisoned him, he died from alcohol poisoning after drinking too much at his birthday party the night before.

Why do people touch there glasses before drinking?

I believe this is an old Viking tradition. In order to make sure your drinking partner was not poisoning you, you would smash your glass into his/her and the alcohol or liquid would spill into theirs. If they were poisoning you, they would drink it as well.

What happens when you eat fatty foods before intake of alcohol?

You need much more alcohol to get drunk. It is most cost effective to drink before (or instead of) eating. Consumption of fatty meals after excessive alcohol intake does not generally annul the effects of alcohol.

Did Bon Scott only do one ACDC album is this correct?

NO, Bon Scott did about 5 or 6 albums with AC/DC before he died of Alcohol poisoning in 1980

How can you prevent getting alcohol poisoning?

By not abusing alcohol through consuming a great quantity in a short period of time.

What happens when the body forms a tolereance to alcohol?

With tolerance, it takes more alcohol to achieve the same effects that lesser quantities created before tolerance developed.

What happens if an athlete drinks alcohol before running?

Athletes reacts to alcohol just like any other humans, if they drink a lot they get drunk, if they drink just a little nothing much happens. Somewhere in between their performance starts to drop.

Can your kidneys hurt from drinking too much alcohol?

Yes. Your kidneys and liver can only take so much impurity to filter out before they falter under the strain. If you are binge drinking, knock it off. One incident of alcohol poisoning CAN kill you . Please be careful.

Can you drink non-alcoholic beer before a colonoscopy?

any alcohol poisoning will be much much worse than before but you can have like 1 pint a day maximum a bit more than a pint like 1.3

What happens if you abuse alcolhol after weight loss surgery?

Same thing that happens if you abuse alcohol before your weight loss surgery. You get drunk, ruin relationships, pickle your liver, and die.