if test comes back in any way compromised, it is a sure bet that the person in question will be called on it and could be charged for whatever reason.
Although not the US Army at that time in 1775, it was the beginning of the US Army; the United States was the 13 Colonies of (North) America back then.
Vatican City
the battle was so important because it was so that the australians could take back a chunk of the Germans army, the megority were on mont st quentin as a look out and the Australian army destroyed them
In WW1 Hitler was shot on his horse in no-man's land and got sent back to Germany to recover.
The first was a .58 caliber version of the gun but it was replaces soon after by a .30 Army version and, later, by a 45-70 version, then back to a .30 Army, and then to a 30-03, and then to to 30-06 rnd.
The urine can back up into your kidneys.
Enough liquid (of any kind) will show you have diluted it. If it isn't sent to a lab, flush your system (with any liquid) before your test and take a B-12 to put color back in your urine. Also, if sent to a lab, they will know it is diluted and you will be considered dirty.
The urine can back up into your kidneys.
not necessarily, but certain drug tests can ascertain that you did dilute your urine and they can and will fail you.
It's not necessarily bad to drink lots of water before a urine test but it could make you have to reschedule your appointment. The more water you drink the more diluted your urine is going to be. If your urine is to diluted they will make you come back after a day or two.
You're going going back back to prison prison.
As the number of glucose carriers increase, the concentration of glucose in the urine will decrease. This is because more glucose is being reabsorbed by the kidneys back into the bloodstream, reducing the amount of glucose that gets excreted in the urine.
Dont mix it with water, drink at least 3 litres a day every day until your test, then it will be too diluted to pick up anything.
A diluted urine test may result from excessive fluid intake prior to the test, which can lower the concentration of substances in the urine. It is important to follow instructions provided for urine sample collection to ensure accurate test results.
when they are blocked you do not pass alot of urine and you will see inflammation of the skin. back pain is also common and a yallow tinge to skin in later more progressed stages.
They have to give it all back to the army because it is known as United States property. Everything; The bags the guns the shovels. Everything goes back