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Q: What happens if your late on your period and your is very itchy?
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If you got a lot of bumps and you get very itchy what happens?

You break out in turnips

What happens if you get your period late?

It means that your periods may be slihtly irregular, it is very common for this to happen. Otherwise, you might be pregnant, but i think you will know if you are :L

Is Harris Tweed itchy?

Very itchy!

Is chickenpox itchy?

Yes, chickenpox is very itchy.

What is a very large fierce dinosaur in the late Cretaceous period?

The T rex.

If your period is three months late that can mean?

Your pregnant or someting is very wrong

If your period is a week late and you have been bleeding for 3 days and tomorrow will be the first of the next month could you be pregnant or could it be just a very late period?

probalbly just a late period, but a 10.00 dollars pregnancy test is a sure way of knowing.

What is the latest dinosaur to have lived?

Triceratops, from the Late Cretaceous Period. They had a very good armor support to help them to survive. The Olorotitan (gigantic swan) is also from the Late Cretaceous Period of history.

I am two days late on my period can i be pregnant?

If you have had unprotected sex, and now you are two days late , then you could very well be pregnant.

What does it mean if your period is three days late and is watery and very dark and heavy?


How do you describe crab?

Very itchy

What happens if you get late in cancer?

Do you mean "What happens if it is late when I'm aware of cancer in my body?" ? It so, well, it is very unfortunate that nothing can be done. Treatment at the last stage is not effective at all.