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obviously they close up....what do you expect them to magically stay there?

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Q: What happens if you take earrings out before six weeks?
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When can you change your earrings after you get them pierced?

You have to keep your earrings in for at least 6 weeks before you can take them out or change them.

What happens when you take your earrings out then put them back in before 1 week?


When can you take out your starter earrings?

After 6 weeks.

When can you take out your newly pierced earrings?

6 weeks after.

When can you take off your earrings when you first got them?

6 to 8 weeks

Can you take your earrings out before 6 weeks?

Yes, but clean your earlobes and the ear rings you intend to put in thoroughly with soap and warm water and put them back in immediately.

Can you take out earrings after a month for a couple of days?

No, you have to wait about 6 and a half weeks before you can take them out. The reason why i say 6 and a half is to give it a few more days healing in case the earring isn't ready to come out.

Can you take your earrings out after a week?

No no you can't take your earring out untill 6-8 weeks. If you take them out in a week they will become infected and start closing up.

Can you take earrings out for a couple of hours 3 weeks after piercing?

Its very possible that they'll close up in a few hours

Should people wear earrings in a swimming pool?

Depending on the material of the earrings, it is probably for the best to take them out before swimming.

How long do you have to wait to take out your piercing?

i got mine when i was 8 and i had to wait 6 to 8 weeks to take your earrings out. i got them at clairs and it all depends on the store.

I just got my ears pierced and the umpire for my softball games won't let me wear earring or tape them down and i can't take my earrings out so what do I do?

You have to keep them in for at least 6 weeks if you want them to heal, so if you are not able to wear them, you may just have to take them out. If you have to take them out for softball for long periods of time before that 6 weeks is up, they are going to close up anyways. I guess it all comes down to whatever you like better -- your earrings, or softball. or you can pur down your hair and tell him you took them out