It will either go to the wrong address or it will eventually go to the correct address but much,much longer than it should take. I forgot to put the town part in once and it took 8 months to arrive to the address.
You need to contact the company that is shipping the package to you so as to let them know that you put a wrong shipping address on your package which is the shipping address of the road right beside yours.
why/how do you think you put it on wrong?
If your order is not yet shipped, you will be able to update your shipping address instantly. If you just made an order but need to change the shipping address, you can contact our support team for assistance with this issue.On MobileGo to your Order History.Tap on "Contact Support" for the item you need assistance with.Make sure all the items in your order are selected.Choose the topic "Change Shipping Address."Provide the correct shipping address and tap "Ask Question."On WebWhile logged in, go to your order history page on wish.Find the item you're looking to contact support about.Click "Contact Support," located under the item's name.Choose the topic "Change Shipping Address"Describe your issue.Click "Ask Question."This will open a support question with our customer service team. We should be able to respond within 1-2 days.
UPS will deliver to the address exactly as labeled. So the answer depends on how many wrong addresses are submitted for delivery. If you submit a wrong address, most likely your package is going to go to the wrong place. If you put the right address but leave information off, like apartment or suite number, you're package probably isn't going to make it. So it really comes down to the shipper verifying the address before shipping. Yo!
It does not beat
No you were supposed to put your adress
Depends on what kind of "wrong" fuel you're referring to...
Nothing Nothing
No, you douchbag
The easiest shipping service to use is the United States Post Office. You can go there and put your item into a priority box that is best suited for the item you are shipping and put an address and return address on the box after sealing it securely. The clerk at the post office will weigh the parcel and charge you for the shipping and it will then be sent to the recipient. You can also use a UPS store. They ship for United Parcel Service and they will pack your parcel up and create a shipping label for you prior to charging you and shipping the item off to the person who will receive it.
what about if i dont have an email