nothing will happen, they will just blacklist you from staying in that hotel again.
you die!
Leaving a restaurant without paying for your meal is considered theft, and it is illegal. If caught, you could face consequences such as being arrested, fined, or even charged with a crime. It is important to always pay for the services and goods you receive to avoid legal trouble.
not a lot (dont just move to wales though) they will track you down if you come back though!
Dine and Dash.
A walk out guest is a person who leave the hotel without checking out and without settling the bills from the front office.
A walk out guest is a person who leave the hotel without checking out and without settling the bills from the front office.
This is when someone attempts to leave a restaurant, etc., without paying his food (board) bill.
The Lotus Hotel in Greek mythology had the ability to make people lose track of time and stay there for days without realizing it. Guests were enchanted by the hotel's magic, which made it difficult for them to leave.
They get very rusty if you just leave it there without ever using it.
they will find ur relitives and then find u 2 watch their fingers cut off and u will be thrown into the Atlantic ocean By:Rey Twoshoes any questions Phone:800-090-6000