well if u get a girl pregnant(i can't spell pregnant) u have a chance of going to jail if u are under 18 even if u'r parents allow u to have sex.
that makes no sense! if you are asking can a girl be pregnant under 18 and the answer is yes! my friend had a baby at the age of 13.
Well, the guy that got you pregnant, and you will have to go to jail and you will have to quit school!
A girl can get pregnant at the age of 12. If a girl has went through puberty they can get pregnant.
yes she can
no he cannot
a girl can get pregnant at one year old
Whenever the male begins to produce sperm he can get a girl pregnant.
That depends on where in the world you live. If you are under the legal age of consent then you should be doing what your mother tells you. Also if you are pregnant under the legal age then an offence has been made and a prosecution can be made by the police and the mother.
The overage man goes to court, and probably jail for being a pedifile.
Yes if she is under the age of consent in her state or country and there are no close in age exceptions.
Well it's depends on where you live. I know that in England, it would be the girl who would get in trouble for having sex with a minor
There is no min age for marriage in California However parent (and judge) approval is required if the couple (or one of them) is under 16 It is not only in CA, as many states allow under age marriage if the girl is already pregnant