You will poison your body! There are nitrates and nitrites in processed meat and high fat levels in pastry, possibly hydrogenated fats too, which are harmful in regular doses. Vary your diet for good health, veg, salads and fruit are foods too.
Put a tampon in your but
In New Zealand we eat meat pies.
Most of the meat that we eat everyday is skeletal muscle.
Meat pies. But this is irrelevant, since the Kittens have lost their mittens and they shall have no pie!
Yes, Catholics may eat pies during Lent unless they are meat pies and those may not be eaten on Fridays during Lent.
Beans , Squash, Donkey, Meat , Chocolate,meat pies, and corn
Everyday. They eat 65 pounds of meat a day.
No. If they are carnivores, they eat meat and animals. If they are herbivores, they eat plants. If they are omnivores, they eat meat, animals, and plants.
Yes. They are allowed.
they ate chicken, cows, pigs, and every other meat you can think of plus meat pies, cakes and other sweets.
The Sioux Indians were known for eating a wide variety of different meat pies. The meat came from the game they hunted.