Absolutely nothing - you can do anything during your period that you'd do at any other time of your menstrual cycle - drinking soda on your period doesn't effect anything.
They say that you are not supposed to drink caffiene while your pregnant b/c it can cause low birth weight in your baby, but you can drink de caffinated soda.
You burp.
Soda is an sugary drink. It can't hurt your kidneys unless you only drink soda for a long period of time. If soda is all you drink you can get a kidney infection/kidney stones.
You'll die
Can i drink citro soda while breastfeeding
It isn't bad to drink soda if you're menstruating, most people can drink soda throughout their period with no problems what-so-ever. Some women may suffer bloating which can be added to by drinking fizzy soda, or sugar in soda can cause issues for some women.
No. Better take soda after feeding your baby, to avoid spillage.
The soda flattens
Nothing! It's a soft drink!
You can drink some club soda. Or make some soda water with a glass of water and a teaspoon of baking soda. Mix it and drink it while its still fizzling.
One might expect to experience quite a bit of stomach bloating and gas.
It gets cleaner because of the weak acid that is in the soda we drink.