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you should see a doctor

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Q: What happens if you bleed too much on your period?
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How do you know if you bleed too much when your on your menstruation?

how do you know if you bleed too much when your on your period

What type of drugs will you give to a girl who is bleeding after a DNC?

You are supposed to bleed up to 4 weeks and then get your period. If you think you bleed too much you have to see a doctor. There is no medication you can get by yourself. You will need a prescription. Never take risks with medication regarding bleedings.

Does your liver bleed when you drink vodka?

No. But don't drink too much or it will!

WheN it is the period of the girl does she bleed a lot?

Yes and no. If you have a lighter flow you will find that you don't bleed that much. Some girls have a heavier blood flow so they will bleed some more. Some girls may be concerned that they're losing too much blood. It can be a shock to see all that blood, but it's unlikely that a girl will lose too much, unless she has a medical condition like von Willebrand disease. Though it may look like a lot, the average amount of blood is only about 2 tablespoons (30 milliliters) for an entire period. Most teens will change pads 3 to 6 times a day, with more frequent changes when their period is heaviest, usually at the start of the period.

What is the purpose of bleed air?

To prevent too much pressure from building up.

Can you die from too much sex?

yes your nob breaks off and you bleed to death

Is it normal to bleed when you pee after sex for a couple days?

it is totally normal for you to bleed after peeing after sex, you obviouslly do it too much or he has just hit a certain spot and it makes you bleed, totally normal.

Im 16 and virgin what do i have if i bleed when i pee and i sometimes involuntarily pee and it burns when i pee and i am in a lot of pain during and after it happens?

You bleed because of your period, but it shouldn't burn or hurt alot so it sounds like you have an infection in your private area. It -might- go away, but you should go see your doctor if it's anything too serious or how (or when) it will go away.

What happens when there is too much or too little water?

if there too little water animal die crops are not growing and if their is too much water flood came

Can you eat your self?

yes you would bleed to death! No, the pain would be too much and you would stop.

Can eat your self?

yes you would bleed to death! No, the pain would be too much and you would stop.

What happens if you do too much exercise?

you can die