The nicotine in the cigarette goes through the blood stream then the baby could get the nicotine into his blood stream. This doesn't mean that when the baby gets about 7 he is going to start smoking. What will happen is when the kid tries a cigarette he will get addicted easier.
First Answer
The foetus is exposed to the same chemicals as the mother through the blood, so the baby can be born addicted to nicotine for instance. Smoking also affects the oxygen level in the blood so smoker's babies tend to be small and may have developmental problems due to oxygen starvation in the womb.
Second Answer
One of the poisonous substances in tobacco smoke is carbon monoxide. This stops red blood cells from binding with oxygen, so a smokers blood carries less oxygen around the body. So smokers babies tend to have a low body mass when they are first born.
If the mother smokes throughout her pregnancy, the fetus will be addicted to nicotine when it is born. Since no one is likely to light up a butt for it, it will have the pleasure of nicotine withdrawal during its first hours of life.
In addition, smoking cuts down the amount of oxygen in your blood by as much as 50%, because of the high levels of carbon monoxide in the smoke. Nicotine exposure can cause neurological defects in the fetus, and greatly increases the likelihood of miscarriage.
A well-known obstetrician has stated that he would prefer to treat an alcoholic mother than a smoker, in terms of fetal development and pregnancy complications.
take baby to ER immediately! how the heck does the baby get a methadone pill??
The baby gets very sick because it contains lots of germs.
It could get sick.. i would advise you to stick to baby food until it can eat people food
Weevils eat cigars.
Da F%$k is this going to happen in real life?
if the baby is then ill after that give it medicine if it gets worse go to the doctors. (i think) that's what i would do.
It might throw up.
well a baby dies and scott hancock eats the corpes
it roots there teeth before they get them if u give honey when they have teeth it will root there gums
Glow sticks are sorta poisonous, so the baby would be poisoned and would need to get help for it right away.
Usually, the parents of the baby get arrested for neglect. Also, there is likely to be more to the story, such as the child being sick or the area being impoverished.