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Then she touches sperm...

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Q: What happens if a women touches a sperm?
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What does if dry sperm enter in a virgin women through finger?

Dry sperm is dead sperm so nothing happens.

When a sperm touches a sperm what happens?

When two sperm come into contact, they each release enzymes that help break down the protective outer layer of the egg, allowing one sperm to successfully fertilize the egg. This process is known as the acrosome reaction and is crucial for successful fertilization.

What happens if you do more eject sperm more than once daily in men?

I would recommend ejecting sperm in women not men.

What happens when an women drinks sperm daily?

Nothing, your digestive system and reproductive system are completely separate, there's no chance of gettin pregnant. Women might be affected by the diseases if the sperm contains the virus.

Where does women's sperm come from?

Women do not produce sperm ! Women produce eggs - which are developed in their ovaries !

Can a woman get pregonant if she touches sperm on the floor then the lips of her vagina?


What happens when men swallow woman sperm?

Women do not produce sperm. Some women do have ejaculations, although there is some dispute about what these really are. However, there are generally no ill effects in swallowing the natural sexual fluids for either sex.

How do you know if you have a girl or a boy?

It depends on women's egg. Women have a egg which is a child. Peroids are eggs, eggs can die if not fertilized, periods drain the egg away. Women grow a egg each month. The egg needs sperm to fertilize to grow into a child. The men's penus touches the women's vagina and the sperm swims into the women's body to find a egg. Only one sperm can get into the egg. The men's sperm decides what gender the baby is. Women's eggs is x. Men's sperm is y and x. If egg x and sperm y touch, it's a boy, if egg x and sperm x touch, it's a girl. If a sperm gets into a egg and the egg breaks in half, it's twins with same gender. If a egg breaks in half before a sperm gets in, then two sperms can get into the two half eggs and thay'll have a different gender, but still twins. So there it is. Please thank me for I'm a guest.

What kind of sperm can make women pregnant?

Any sperm can get a women pregnant.

Does women have sperm or semon?

No, women do not produce sperm or semen. Sperm and semen are produced by the male reproductive system. Women have eggs, which are produced in the ovaries.

What did women do if they do not release sperm?

A women is not capable of releasing sperm. Women release eggs. Only a male (man) can release sperm from their body. When sperm and a fertilized egg combine, a baby is made.

Can a girl get pregnant if th sperm touches the external part of the vagina?