It could mean Lots of things, in my opinion, I think the guy has a strong friendship with you but might want to be more than friends.
he likes you
Obviously the chemistry wasn't right or he didn't think they were as sexy as they seemed to be.
when someone calls someone a dog they mean homie or a guy that flirts with a lot of girls dude how do you not know that
If he flirts with only you yes if he flirts with others no
he is sweet talking you or if ou are going out he just made you a nick name. :) but sometimes my guy friend calls me baby when he wants something from me
Well,it means exactly that he's a flirter and is not really an honest guy.
Flirt back he will eventually come to it and see that he likes you to
Maybe he calls everyone sweetie. It doesn't necessarily mean anything.No. Just because a guy calls you sweetie doesn't mean he's into you. Sometimes it is a way of flirting, but not all the time. For instance I call a lot of people 'honey' or 'sweetie' or even 'babe' sometimes. Just because I call them that it doesn't mean I'm into them. This goes for guys and girls.If you live in the South it's not that unusual. But it still creeps me out.Mostly when a guy calls you sweetie, it's kind of like a nickname. He calls you that because he likes you. Sometimes, your ''guy'' does that to flirt with you but that only happens when they are not married to you. They're like the words ''babe'' and ''honey''. Sometimes when they call you that it usually means nothing
He doesn't
He flirts with you
nothing, the guy is just a rude idiot. dont worry about it. guys are just stupid sometimes.
when a guy flirts with you then stops either means hes playing with you, he wants you to flirt now or he liked you then he found another person who is flirting back .