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If she was age of consent when they had sex nothing will happen but if she was below age of consent and there was no close in age exemptions, he would be guilty of statutory rape.

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Q: What happens if 17 year old girl gets pregnant by 18 year old boy?
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What happens in Kansas when a 16 year old girl gets pregnant by her 21 year old boyfriend?

She has a baby.

What happens if a 17 year old boy gets a 15 year old girl pregnant?

Tell your parents!!

What happens if a 15 year old girl gets pregnant by a 18 year old?

You have a baby.... or an abortion, and he may go to jail. The end.

What happens in new york when a 19 year old boy gets a 14 year old girl pregnant?

if someone finds out, you can be arrested and charged with statutory rape.

What happens if a 16 year boy gets a 19 year old girl pregnant in Oregon?

He becomes a father. And has all the responsibilities of having a child, including child support.

Can a 9 year old girl get pregnant with twins?

it is not possible unless the girl gets raped

What happens if 18 year old boyfriend gets 17 year old girl pregnant and girls dad puts charges on him?

Charges for what actions? If the age of consent is 17 or younger, there has been no crime.

If a 19 year old guys gets a 16 year old girl pregnant is it illegal in Indiana?


What Happens When A 11 Year Old Gets Pregnant?

This is risky for her health. And somebody has to go to jail.

What happens if a 16 year gets a 13 year old pregnant?

Well, what happens is this. A 13 and 16 year old have a baby and their parents end up raising it!

Can a 17 year old get a 18 year old girl pregnant?

ummm .. yes as long as she gets her period and you have sperm

What happens if a 21 year old gets a 18 year old pregnant with consent of the 18 year old in Georgia?

They will have a child to raise.