Nothing bad happens . They check you weight,height,spine . You have a fingerprick and If need shots you get those. And you have a hearing and eye check. I just had mine yesterday and I'm still living!
In most cases, there will not be a problem with an 18 year old escorting an 11 year old. Check with the airlines as to their requirements. Some may require a 21 year old to be with them.
yes it happens all the time
lock em in a room together and see what happens.
yeah, its ok. check with ur parents first though.
Yes, you can as long as you stay in the house and check on him/her often.
Nothing will happend. If she feel irritation she will cry or can shout.
A braid, messy bun or ponytail are cool styles.
Somewhere, a little 11 year old kid laughs
This is risky for her health. And somebody has to go to jail.
The perfectly honest and true answer: It happens all the time.
not really but you have to be 13 or over age i hope you rate (check)