When slaves reached America they were sent to the auction block. They were sold like animals. many were separated from their families. it was only if a child was an infant that the mother would get to keep them
There are no onces in a kilagram, mostly because onces and kilagrams don't exist.
That is 0.1 Kg
600 gr = 21.1644 onces
16 onces in a pound, 2,000 pounds in a ton - 32,000 onces !1 t(US) = 32000.000 oz
Once means one time. So onces does not make sense.
males, 14-29 onces; females, 17-25 onces
In need to know how much onces fill one cup for my science project.
a gallon
29 fluid onces is MORE than 1 pint
Answer: Since there are 16 onces in a pound, there are 8 ounces in a half a pound.