He gets captured and tortured by joker for three weeks and ends up killing joker with the bang gun
Drake eggs hatch into little pet drakes that follow you around and are the color of whatever color the egg was.
Help Tim find alot of animals and he will give it to you.
Drake himself will not be in the game, but will play the voice of a character known as Jace Stratton, one of the COGS. He will be one of Marcus Fenix' main allies through the game.
drake drago dax
Tim Drake is 5' 11".
Tim Drake was created in 1989.
you dont sadly tim drake is robin
The Joker is actually Tim Drake (Robin)Tim drake was the Jokers last victim before he died.Basically what Joker did is place a microchip (to me it looked like a mole) on the back of Tim's neck with his DNA on it. Several years passed and the DNA from the micro chip started to transform Tim Drake into the Joker. When Tim turned into the Joker, "Joker" would have complete controle over Tim an knew everything that Tim knew. When Tim turned back into himself he would remember nothing of what had happened.
Crazy Drake happened in 1996.
Tim Drake aka Red Robin.
Alfred Pennyworth, Robin, Nightwing, and Batgirl
In batman beyond he does but in the comics no he doesn't
When he took the potato to England, Queen-Bess made Francis-Drake "shorter by a head!"
He died in 2009
He fell and then died.
it got cancelled