the czar abdicated the throne, and the government switched to a "provisionary government" during world war one.
Czar Nicholas and his family were taken to the Alexander Palace at Tsarskoye Selo. On July 16th and 17th 1918, Czar Nicholas, his family, and their entourage were all executed by the Bolsheviks.
After the Czar Alexander II's emancipation edict, all the personal serfdom was abolished.
Czar Nichaols was descended from the roayl family of Romanovs. The Communists executed him and his entire family, thus ending the 200-year reign of the Romanov family in Russia---the longest reign of any family in Europe.
Czar Nicholas II
The Czar and his whole family were told that they are going for a family photo but they were actually all shot brutally.
In 1917 the Russian czar and his family were assassinated.
Czar Nicholas and his family were taken to the Alexander Palace at Tsarskoye Selo. On July 16th and 17th 1918, Czar Nicholas, his family, and their entourage were all executed by the Bolsheviks.
Nicholas Romanov II was the Czar at that time.
Czar Nicholas II and his wife and children
After the Czar Alexander II's emancipation edict, all the personal serfdom was abolished.
17 July 1918.
They were murdered by the revolution. The family was taken to a remote location and shot in the basement of a house. A few years ago the families bodies were found. For years it was thought the oldest daughter has escaped, but she didn’t.
Czar Nichaols was descended from the roayl family of Romanovs. The Communists executed him and his entire family, thus ending the 200-year reign of the Romanov family in Russia---the longest reign of any family in Europe.
He was over thrown
Czar Nicholas II
The Czar and his whole family were told that they are going for a family photo but they were actually all shot brutally.