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in Virginia, a first offense for possession of marijuana is an unclassified misdemeanor with a maximum 30 day jail sentence. A subsequent conviction for marijuana then becomes a class 1 misdemeanor and a class 1 misdeameanor carries up to 10 years in prison; fines of up to $2,500

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Q: What happen if you get caught with weed in Virginia?
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What happen if you get caught with 40pounds of weed in New York?

That much weed will get you at least 5years in federal prison and a fine of....I believe...$150,000

What would happen to a 16 year old caught with weed by the police?

Quantity will be considered.Intent will be considered.Age will be considered.And any number of other variables will influence the Court.being caught with marijuana is a misdemeanor but with intent to sell can be classified as a felony

Can you grow weed and not get caught?

yes you can

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What will happen if you get caught with weed on campus but its not yours?

Most campus policies do not care whose the pot is, nor do the police. The best case is a fine. They are within their rights to expel. No one has ever said it was their pot when caught.

How does weed happen?

It does.

What would happen if you got caught with less than a dime of weed in your car while driving around a child that is not yours in California?

Well you would get in jail.

Do rappers get caught for smoking weed in music videos?

they do not really smoke weed in their music videos...

If you sniff weed?

If you sniff weed? what? you think some thing will happen to you? thew answer to that question is no. Nothing will happen to you if you were to sniff weed. But i wouldn't advise you to walk around sniffing it. If you sniff weed? what? you think some thing will happen to you? thew answer to that question is no. Nothing will happen to you if you were to sniff weed. But i wouldn't advise you to walk around sniffing it.

What effects did Virginia's stinking weed have on the growth of the colony?

Virginia's stinking weed was a primary cash crop for the colony. It saw the population and wealth of the colony explode.

You are thirteen and what happens if you get caught smoking weed in Colorado?

wat kind of weed it depends on the amount too

How much weed to do you have to be growing for it to be illegal?

If your caught growing weed at all is illegal so if you are your in deep trouble