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If you are on probation and your urine tests come back positive you are at the mercy of the court. They will sentence you as they see fit for breaking your probation.

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If a probation urine test comes back positive, the consequences vary depending on the individual's probation terms and the nature of the substance found in the test. Possible consequences may include a violation of probation, being sent back to court, increased monitoring, or further sanctions imposed by the court or probation officer. It is important to comply with all terms of probation to avoid such outcomes.

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Q: What happen if a probation urine test comes back positive?
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What happens when a person is on probation and have 3 dirty urine samples?

If a person on probation has three dirty urine samples (positive for drugs), it is likely that they will face consequences such as increased supervision, additional drug testing, mandated treatment programs, or potential revocation of probation leading to jail time. The specific response will depend on the terms of their probation and the discretion of their probation officer or the court.

Can you get a negative urine pregnancy test even if a blood test comes back positive?

No, a urine pregnancy test measures the same hormone (hCG) as a blood test, so they should typically give consistent results. If a blood test is positive, a urine test should also show a positive result.

What happens when you urinate dirty for Marijuana on probation?

If you test positive for marijuana while on probation, it could result in consequences such as a violation of probation, which may lead to more severe penalties or sanctions. This could include additional fines, extended probation, community service, or even jail time. It is important to adhere to the terms of your probation to avoid these repercussions.

If water is mixed in urine of pregnant woman it give positive result or not?

Mixing water with urine from a pregnant woman will not affect the accuracy of a pregnancy test result. The presence of hCG hormone in the urine is what determines a positive pregnancy test result, not the addition of water.

Does alcohol show up on a probation urine drug test?

Yes, alcohol can be detected in urine drug tests conducted during probation. Most probation testing protocols include alcohol screening. It's important to follow all probation rules and regulations regarding substance use.

Related questions

Is a positive urine drop a means for probation revocation in Wisconsin?

A positive urine drop is a reason for parole violation in every state. This is the reason urine tests are done in the first place.

What happens if you gave one dirty pee test on supervised probation?

When a person is placed on supervised probation, they may be required to submit to urine tests to check for illicit substances. If the urine test comes back positive for drugs or alcohol, probation may be revoked, and the probationer may be sent to serve their sentence in jail.

How much urine is needed for a probation department drug test?

when the probation department comes to you for a urine test, they give you a small cup that you have to urinate into. Usually they prefer to have it as full as you can get it, but, it has to be at least a fourth the way filled up.

What happens when a person is on probation and have 3 dirty urine samples?

If a person on probation has three dirty urine samples (positive for drugs), it is likely that they will face consequences such as increased supervision, additional drug testing, mandated treatment programs, or potential revocation of probation leading to jail time. The specific response will depend on the terms of their probation and the discretion of their probation officer or the court.

Will klonopin and xanax show up the same on a urine test for probation and parole?

Yes, itll test positive for benzos.

Will adding opiates to clean pee give you a positive urine testfor a probation ua?

I would imagine that it would, but why would you want to do that?

Can diluted urine cause a violation of probation?

Diluted urine can cause a violation of probation. Diluted urine indicates that the urine has been tampered with to alter test results.

Will diphenhydramine make you test positive for benzos in a urine drug test?

no it comes up for positive for weed

Can proparacaine show up as cocaine in a probation urine test?

will proparacaine cause a false positive on drug test?

What happen if urine comes yellow in color is that a disease?

b vitamins can make the urine bright yellow

How common is it for a false positive to happen in urine drug screens for THC?

very rare

What happen when you urine?

I think what happens is that what you drank throughout the day,all of that comes out.