There is no one answer. Different departments issue different guns.
If you are talking about SAPS Detectives - then yes they always do
Well, the answer is no, but Arizona does not have gun registration, so if you can carry a gun in Arizona, you can carry any gun you legally own or possess.
You can carry a gun in Florida. A Florida gun carry permit has restrictions as well as reciprocation with certain other states. See discussion page for more details.
Police detectives carry handguns. Glock, Sig and H&K are common brands.
No, he does not carry a gun.
A bail bondsman cannot specifically carry a gun. However, they can carry a gun under Florida law as a normal citizen.
If you have a permit to carry.
Capitalism has nothing to do with the right to carry a gun.
Are you allowed to carry a gun on a boat in VA
a Tommy gun
Yes, you can carry a stun gun in Arkansas. They are perfectly legal.
The state of Illinois does not issue carry permits, so it's illegal at any age to carry a gun in Illinois, assuming you mean out in public with a gun permit.