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the slaves

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Q: What group of people worked as caretakers house workers and homemakers?
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How many people worked on the Berlin Wall?

about 60,000 workers

Who were the first workers that worked at Disneyland?

the people from walt disney's time

How many people worked in brewing in 1960?

There were 71,000 brewery workers in 1960

Where did garment workers toil?

Garment workers worked in factories.

Workers on Statue os liberty?

There were many people that created the Statue of Liberty. The workers that worked on the Statue of Liberty are Edouard de Laboulaye and Auguste Bartholdi.

How many people worked in computer manufacturing in 2000?

As of 2000, computer manufacturing employed 73,730 U.S. workers, about 34 percent of whom were production workers.

Which organization worked for the rights of migrant farm workers?

The National Farm Workers Association worked for the rights of migrant farm workers. The organization became the United Farm Workers of America in 1962.

What two groups of people worked on the large farm?

The farmers and the farm workers worked on the large farm.

What jobs were there in pioneer days?

Some common jobs in pioneer days included farmers, blacksmiths, carpenters, teachers, tailors, and traders. People also worked as miners, ranchers, sailors, and fur trappers depending on the region. Women often worked as seamstresses, cooks, or caretakers of the household.

How many people worked in other communication equipment manufacturing in 2001?

In 2001, the industry employed 28,000 workers

Which of the following people worked with government in the 1960s to get laws passed to help noncitizens and farm workers?

Cesar Chavez

How many people worked in the mattress manufacturing industry in 2000?

In 2000 the industry employed an average of 26,332 people, of whom 20,570 were production workers.