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people with a higher basal metabolic rate

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Q: What group of people need the most calories?
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Which group of people need the most calories?

More likely, it is growing teen males who need the most calories.

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Who needs the most calories people who are active or people that is not active?

Active people need more calories because in order to have energy and be active, one needs to intake food to burn off as chemical energy.

Do dying people need more calories?


How much calories do people need a day?


What happens if the calories you eat are equal to the calories you need per day?

If you eat the same number of calories per day that are equal to the calories you need per day you would maintain your weight. To lose weight you must consume less calories then you burn. To gain weight you must consume more calories you burn. Most humans will burn 2800 calories even in the most sedentary state.

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they need to feel like they belong to something or are apart of a group of people.

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Most had a group 27Most had a group 27

What food groups do you need the most of?

the food that you need the most of is the Grain food group.

Why do some people need more calories than others?

Some people need more calories than others due to the amount of physical exercise that they do. The more exercise someone does, the more calories they will need, as they burn them off much faster than someone who does very little exercise.E.g A 21 year old woman who has a job working in a office will need less calories than A 21 year old woman who is a fitness coach or a P.E teacher as they are constantly exercising and burning the calories off quicker.Men also need more calories than women.I hope this helps !! :)

How many calories do people need per day?

about 1500 for kids, 2000 for an adult

Who started the Los Angeles riots?

We need a date to answer your question. In most riots there isn't one person responsible, but it is a group of people.