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Either 11th or 12th, depending on what month they were born.

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10mo ago

A seventeen year old is typically in 11th grade or senior year of high school.

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Is it seventeen-year-old or seventeen year old?

17-year-old is the correct way.

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Can a seventeen year old get merried at the age of seventeen?

Yes with parental consent.

Can an illegal take a seventeen year old to court in FL?

A seventeen year old can not normally be sued in court. They are not yet an adult. Their parents can be sued, as they are responsible for the 17 year old.

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They can if they have parental permission.

Can a seventeen year old boy date an eleven year old girl?

No a seventeen year old can not date a eleven year old. The reason why is because their is a very big age difference and that would be aganst that law

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NO! hes only seventeen, hes only a year younger than you!

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Yes if you live in Britain.

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Can a 17 year old and a 12 year old date?

No it is inappropriate for a seventeen year old to be interested in that way in a twelve year old. The seventeen year old needs counseling and to be closely monitored. why would a 17 year old want to date a 12 year old i think thats really stupid