You can use your Pep Boys credit card at any gas station that accepts the major credit card network it is affiliated with, such as Visa or Mastercard. This means you can use your Pep Boys credit card at most gas stations nationwide, as long as they accept the specific credit card network associated with your card. It is important to check with the gas station beforehand to ensure they accept your specific credit card.
Northern Michigan Carcareone credit card gas station locations.
Shell gas stations offer a Shell rewards card. You apply for the Shell gasoline credit card and can recieve rewards and discounts at Shell gas stations. You can apply online or ask for an application in a Shell gas station.
You can purchase anything would like using your gas credit card as long as it is from the station the card is issued for. You may earn "points" towards free product or receive gas at a discount if you use your gas credit card to pay for your transaction.
It depends on the stores policy.
My wife just received a notice that when she goes to by gas with her debit card there will be an automatic $75 hold on the card until the purchase is put through by the gas station. I asked a man at the gas station how often do they update transactions he told me twice a day.
Shell issues its own credit card for fuel purchases. You can normally get an application at your local shell gas station.
When your dad goes to the gas station and fills is car with gas then pays with his card the money at the end of the month will be debited from his account.
Your gasoline card will pay for whatever gas is available at that gas station. You just need to make sure that you have enough on the card or enough remaining on your credit limit.
Yes, apparently BP charges do show up during authorization as Franchise USA. I had three authorizations on my credit card and the gas station number was the only way I could identify that they came from a BP station.
I got a pre-authorization charge for getting gas at a 76 station with that notation. Yes, that is a charge from a gas station. I checked with my bank and they confirmed it.
It is possible to purchase an iTunes Gift Card at a gas station if that particular gas station stocks iTunes Gift Cards.