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Carbon Monoxide takes the place of oxygen on the red blood cells, so less oxygen can be carried around the body

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Q: What gas is found in cigarette smoke that stops the blood carrying to much oxygen?
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What side of the heart is red blood found?

Blood in the left side of the heart is redder because it is carrying oxygen.

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Hemoglobin helps blood function as the carrying molecule for oxygen. Hemoglobin is found in the red blood cells.

Whtat is the name for blood that has oxygen and is the color red?

It is actually the name given to the molecule found in the RBCs that is carrying oxygen. It is called oxyhemoglobin.

Where is iron found in a hemoglobin?

Haemoglobin is found in red blood cells in the blood. Its function is to carry oxygen to all parts of the body through oxygenated blood.

What is oxygen carrying mechanism of blood?

The hemoglobin in the blood that is found inside red blood corpuscles transport the majority of oxygen in the body. Hemoglobin is made up of four sub-units and these sub-units can attract and hold four molecules of oxygen.

How does smoking reduce oxygen carried in red blood cells?

Carbon monoxide a waste product found in cigarette smoke is more readily absorbed by the red blood cells than oxygen. This reduces the ability of the red blood cells in transporting oxygen around the body.

What are the dangerous substances found in cigarettes and why are they so deadly?

There are many dangerous substances in cigarette smoke, but I will just discuss the most dangerous three of them. Nicotine is a dangerous drug because it is strongly addictive, and it also causes blood vessels to contract (technically it is a vasoconstrictor) which reduces blood circulation. Tar, also known as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, is a powerful carcinogen; it causes cancer. Carbon monoxide reduces the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood (it bonds to hemoglobin and prevents it from carrying oxygen molecules).

What gas found in cigarette smokes blocks the transport of oxygen?

Carbon Monoxide is the gas that is found in cigarette smoke, which binds to the hemoglobin in the red blood cells limiting oxygen supply to your body. However, it is unlikely that you would die from carbon monoxide poisoning due to the fact cigarette smoke does not produce enough parts per million to overrun your bloodstream with the CO gas.

What is the biological term of oxygen carrying pigment found in red blood corpuscles?

heomoglobin..... a comlex compound of proteins with iron......