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Potential energy

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Q: What form of energy is possessed by a matchstick in a matchbox?
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What form of energy is processed by a matchstick ain a matchbox?


What energy given off by burning matchstick?

The energy given off by burning a matchstick is mainly in the form of heat and light. The heat is a result of the exothermic combustion reaction that occurs when the matchstick is ignited, and the light is emitted as a by-product of the combustion process.

What form of energy is possessed by a match box?

Potential chemical energy

What kind of energy is the form of energy that related to movement?

kinetic energy is that energy which is possessed by a moving body......

What is the plural form of matchbox?


True or false kinetic energy is energy possessed by a body in motion the form of energy shown by a stationary train is kinetic energy-?

Kinetic energy is possessed by a moving body, that is true. But if the train is stationary it cannot have kinetic energy.

What type of energy can be potential energy?

Potential energy is the available energy available to an object in order to perform "work". This can take the form of batteries and similar objects, but most frequently, it is used specifically in the context of motion.If you think about a roller coaster, at the top of the hill, it has potential energy. As it begins to descend, it changes to kinetic energy which causes the roller coaster car to accelerate down the hill.Stationary energy is known as potential energyit is the energy of shape and position

What forms of energy happen when you strike a match?

When you strike a match, mechanical energy is used to move the matchstick against the rough striking surface. This generates heat energy due to friction, which ignites the combustible chemicals on the match head. The chemical reaction releases thermal energy and light energy in the form of a flame.

What is the difference between momentum and kinetic energy and why is it that kinetic energy can be changed in to other forms of energy but momentum cant?

Firstly, momentum is not a form of energy; the question seems to imply so. Kinetic energy is the energy possessed by a moving object. That energy is provided by a source, and can be removed from the object because energy possessed by an object is not an inherent part of that given object. Momentum is a property of mass; momentum is inherent in the mass of the object, and cannot be removed or put somewhere else, only altered.

Kinetic energy differs from chemical energy because?

Different types of energies differ from each other due to the forms in which they exist. In this case :Kinetic Energy is a form of energy which is possessed by one during his relative motion.Chemical Energy is mainly due to strength of the chemical bonds in the substances.

Can you help with a matchstick game where there are 12 matchsticks that form a 4-squared box and you have to move 3 matches to form 3 box?

first name the matchsticks as rows and columns. For example r1 indicates the first row, r12 indicates the second matchstick in the first row. Similarly c32 indicates the 2nd matchstick in the 3rd column. Here of course you have to take a reference point. I use the upper left corner. Now a solution takes the form below: c11--->c42 r11--->r23 r32--->r33

What is a type of writing used by Native American's?

they possessed no form of writing