When you consider cost per year, as well as failure data, the IUD is the most economical and reliable. The catch is that you have to pay up front for 7-12 years of coverage. Your local family planning center may have a sliding scale option so that cost is based on income.
Probably praying is the least effective form of birth control.
The depo prevara shot u get it every three months sooo affective i been using it for 2 years .
Anal sex, it's 100% effective.
yes absolutely. you should be taking the birth control for at least a week or two for it to be fully effective.
Birth control suppositories are one of the least effective methods to begin with. Withdrawal is more effective than spermicide used alone. Consider getting some condoms and throwing out the expired suppositories.
If you're on Birth Control and using the Withdrawal Method then you're at the very least as safe as you would be on Birth Control. If you look at it as a percentage though... Less sperm in the vagina reduces the possibility of pregnancy and Birth Control lessens the possibility of Pregnancy as well. So, in effect, you're safer. -Note: The Withdrawal Method is not an effective form of contraceptive.
Condoms, IUDs, birth control pills, depot birth control medications (e.g. monthly, or quarterly), morning-after pill methods, contraceptive sponge, cervical cap, sterilization ... and the least effective method of contraception - the "rhythm method".
Basically what is being asked here: can you be at risk of pregnancy if you don't use birth control - obviously, the answer is yes. Pregnancy is always a risk when sexually active, although withdrawal can be used as birth control when used correctly other methods like the pill are more effective. You'd have to have been taking the pill for AT LEAST a week for it to be effective in preventing pregnancy.
It's not, used as directed it is one of the most effective methods of birth control. Less than 1 out of 100 women will get pregnant each year, while on DepoProvera.
If you use it correctly for at least one week, the birth control patch is effective even if you're bleeding. You still have protection during the patch-free week if you used the patch correctly in the previous weeks.
That is its intended use. However, it is not one of the most effective methods of birth control. Statistically, if a woman relies solely on the use of spermicides for a period of 6 years, she will almost certainly become pregnant at least once in that time.