sweet and fat foods. fastfood. anything processed. (not fresh or biological)
Calcium itself does not contain calories, as it is a mineral. However, foods that are high in calcium, such as dairy products, may contain calories from other nutrients like fat and protein.
Foods and nutrients are not the same thing or same substances. Some foods have higher nutrients than other foods have.
High fat foods are high in calories because fat has more calories per gram than the other nutrients. Instead of having 3 calories per gram like carbohydrates and protein, fat has 9 calories per gram. Basically this means that each molecule of fat contains more food energy than the other nutrients.
This is what i copied from google The availability of nutrients from foods derived from animals is very high and often surpasses the availability of the same nutrients in plants. Animals provide the bulk of dietary protein and calories to Americans and are a major source of vitamin A, iron, and other nutrients. Foods derived from animals contribute significantly to total nutrients in the U.S. food supply. Moreover, the availability to humans of the nutrients in animal products is high, often exceeding the availability for the same nutrients, e.g., calcium and phosphorus, in foods derived from plants. Animal-d
It depends on what the calories are from. Some calories are from foods rich in proteins, while other are foods that have little to no protein in them at all.
No. An apple, like all other foods out there, contains calories.
lf you are eating other foods that have the same nutrients as cheese, nothing happens. If you are not eating foods that have the same nutrients, you will be deficient in those nutrients.
None, all nutrients can easily be found in foods other than meat.
Yes. There is no difference between the calories in fruit and in other foods. Most calories in fruits come from Sugars.
Butter or sugar.
Foods high in sugar but lacking in other nutrients :)
Because plant foods are loaded in vitamins and minerals that are better absorbed in the body than any multivitamin or junk food. Plant material foods are higher in fiber, lower in calories, and higher in nutrients than any other snack food on average.