

Best Answer

Fruits.. I know Cherries are really good..

Caster oil is really good and works ALOT! For children 1-3 teaspoons a day is more than enough. But don't take them all at once take them after 6-12 if nothing has happened. Adults 1-3 Tablespoons a day only, never overdose otherwise you may Be affected, if so happens go see your local doctor. I hope this works..

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Q: What foods are good for constipation?
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Name the foods that a person should eat to prevent constipation?

Foods that are good for preventing constipation are goods that are high in fiber. Broccoli and prunes are both good for preventing constipation.

Favourable foods and unfavourable foods for constipation?

I know one fruit that can help in constipation is banana. It really works!! try it... But I don't know other foods which can help in constipation.

Foods that help constipation?


Could you inform me about food for constipation?

Here are some food that will cause constipation: the western diets consisting of high fatty foods, fast foods, sodas, caffeine products also banana will make you constipated. So do not a lot of those foods.

What can you do to relieve constipation for your 6 years old son?

Go to the doctor and he'll tell you good foods to let your son eat. (Plums, I think, are helpful.)

What is the fiber content of vegetarian foods?

Vegetables are rich in fiber especially green leafy vegetables. This helps prevent constipation and promotes good bowel movements.

What is best to take to prevent constipation?

Maintaining a healthy diet is key to preventing constipation. Introducing foods high in fiber, avoiding caffeine and alcohol, and drinking plenty of water are some things you can do to prevent constipation.

A sensible idea for preventing constipation is to?

Include more high fiber foods in your diet.

How can you prevent intestinal gas naturally?

by eating high fiber foods and eliminating constipation

Concerning isodicentric 15-is there anyone who knows if there is a link with constipation due to not being able to digest certain foods ie-dairy or glutens?

glutens either bad or good?

What dietary causes of constipation are there?

Constipation usually results from not getting enough exercise, not drinking enough water, or from a diet that does not include an adequate amount of fiber-rich foods like beans, bran cereals, fruits, raw vegetables, rice, and whole-grain breads.

Is high fiber cereal good to eat with constipation?

The average person needs 10 and 25 grams of fiber in their daily food. Cellulose is the most common source. Foods such as beans, cereals and berries are good examples of high fiber foods. You should be careful of foods that are touted as high grain but contain a large amount of sugar.