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that person and the films

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โˆ™ 13y ago
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โˆ™ 4y ago

Jimi Hendrix with his music

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Q: What following people did not create a form of text based media?
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Which of the following people did not create a form of text-based media a anne frank b Orson Welles c mlkjr d William randolf hearst?

Martin Luther King Jr. did not create a form of text-based media. Anne Frank wrote a diary, Orson Welles was a radio broadcaster, and William Randolph Hearst owned newspapers.

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Which of the following people created a form of text based media?

All of the aboveOrson Welles with his films

What is the role of media for people social communication?

media, is the middle man in this equation. but at the same time how people process information is based solely on their judgement

Audiences must critically evaluate and interpret media texts because?

Because media producers create texts for a purpose. [=

What are the media in the US?

Based on the language used, communication media can broadly be categorized into two types: Verbal media and Non verbal media. Various media of communication are shown in the following diagram: 1. Verbal Communication: When information is exchanged through words, it is called verbal communication.

What responsibilies do media outlets have when reporting news?

The media is responsible for informing the people on current events and information based on facts and truth.

The media literacy movement hopes to?

The media literacy movement hopes to enable as many people as possible use media to create messages, analyze and evaluate such messages. This is through the wide variety of media available.

What is the Definition of media literacy?

Knowing that people and organizations create shows and ads in the media with specific goals in mind for influencing the behaviors of their audience. APEX:)

What is media industries?

all of the groups, agencies, and organizations that create media texts

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How can you use windows media to create a CD? In:Windows, Windows XP, Windows Media Player

What is the main job for the media producers?

create media texts