Biro type pen come with an interchangeable refill which can be purchased in most stationary stores. However, this applies to the more expensive ball point type - the more inexpensive version are just throw away (recyclable).
The ink fountain pens have two options; a small ink filled cartridge which is swapped as each runs out and the pump action type where you remove the upper case and there is a rubber tube inside which is squeezed when then nib is in the ink pot and the ink is sucked up filling the tube.
Ink Repalcements
vountain pen
The tube.
The thing that you can buy for your pen is an Ink Cartridge. And the thing that makes your pen work is an Ink Cartridge
ink cartrages from rymans or whsmith
an ink cartridge you get them from stationers :L
yu use a cartridge
When the piston of a fountain pen is dipped into ink and released by pressing, it creates a vacuum that draws ink into the pen through the nib. This is due to the pressure difference between the inside of the pen (lower pressure) and the outside (atmospheric pressure), causing the ink to flow in to equalize the pressure.