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The one up above the bum hole where your baby will come out

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Q: What female hole do you enter sperm in to have a baby?
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before a woman conceived a male child, you have to have sex close to ur ovulation so that if the egg drop the male sperm will be there to meet the eeg. because male sperm die quickly than the female sperm.

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First the female trout makes a hole in the ground.Then the male and female trout get beside each other.Finally the male puts out the sperm while the female puts out the eggs(unfertilized) and that is how trout make babies

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A female hamster has a hole. A female hamster has a hole.

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It depends are you swallowing this or where is the sperm going?

How does your mum have you?

I'm rewriting Molly Moppy's first answer: Well your mom has a sperm in her that Attaches to an egg, then the egg grows into a baby. When you come out you come out of a hole that widens gradually.

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They will not produce babies. Although, scientists can take sperm from one species of iguana and an egg from the other species of the iguana and make a baby. But, that baby will not be able to reproduce.

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A portal is a hole. A portal exit is where you exit out of the hole. A portal entrance is where you enter into the hole.

What is the reproductive system of a platypus?

Unlike most mammals, the platypus has a cloaca (one exit hole for waste and eggs). The platypus uses internal sexual reproduction (they use intercourse to deliver sperm to the female). The baby develops inside the female in an egg. The egg(s) are laid in a burrow.Another mammal with a cloaca is the echidna (It is also called the spiny anteater, but it is not at all related to other anteaters, it's just its nickname.)

How do you know when the female alien from planet scardox is ready to have its baby?

what will happen is tgay the head will swell or the belly would go big, it will have rashes on its head, you will see the baby in the hole in its back or u would see it in the head

If your having intercourse from the back can the female still get pregnant?

If you mean anal sex, then no you cannot get pregnant from anal sex. But if sperm enters the vagina, then yes you can get pregnant from any position.

How do you enter HOLE in THE wall?

By crawling inside of it.