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Fatigue means lack of strength , exhaustion etc. For ex: i was fatigue after working endlessly to clean up my house

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Q: What fatigue means?
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Related questions

What is the suffix for fatigue?

The suffix for fatigue is "-igue".

What does fatigue is like a toothache in her bones mean?

Its means pain

What word starting with f means physical tiredness?


What does Je suis fatigue aujourd hui mean?

Je suis fatigue aujourd'hui mean "I am tired today"

What is the medical term meaning the state of tiredness?

Fatigue means the state of tiredness.

What is an antonym of fatigue?

Well, fatigue basically means being tired. So, the antonym would have to mean filled with energy. One word is energetic.

What is the differences between fatigue and boredom in human resource management?

Fatigue is when you are physically tired. Bored means your mind isn't stimulated, but you may not be physically tired.

Can you use the word fatigue to make a sentence?

The word "fatigue" means "mental or physical exhaustion: extreme tiredness or weariness resulting from physical or mental activity." Used in a sentence: He ran for so long that he almost fainted from fatigue.

Is having a high fatigue index good or bad?

A low fatigue index means that you have better anaerobic capabilities. You can sustain all out events for longer, and fight through lactic acid build up pain. A high fatigue index id the opposite.

What can be the cause for veering off the roadway?

Fatigue,excessive speed and distracrion

What is profound fatigue?

Profound fatigue is extreme or overwhelming tiredness that significantly impacts a person's ability to function and carry out daily activities. It can be debilitating and may be accompanied by physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion.

What is elastic fatigue?