the United States expanded its influence into Asia
The united states expanded its influence into Asia.
Foreign culture influences African Christians by promoting schism of churches and mushrooming of other smaller churches from the mainstream churches.
To extend its influence, to further its foreign policy goals, to repress regimes deemed iconsistent with its policies, to secure valuable resources etc. buy useing overwelming fighting power
It caused a fear of foreign influence in the United States.
It caused a fear of foreign influence in the United States.
The united states expanded its influence into Asia.
The united states expanded its influence into Asia.
The united states expanded its influence into Asia.
Albert Elmer Hancock has written: 'John Keats' 'The French Revolution and the English poets' -- subject(s): British Foreign public opinion, Comparative Literature, England, English and French, English poetry, Foreign public opinion, British, French and English, French influences, History, History and criticism, Influence, Influence on literature, Literature and the revolution, Literature, Comparative, Revolution, Romanticism
Because these reformers plan to end the growth of foreign influence in China.....
The Chinese people were tired of foreign influence.
Chinese trade was dominated by foreign influence
Chinese trade was dominated by foreign influence
The most heroic figure of the French revolution was Napoleon, who defended the revolution from foreign intervention.