Seriously? No, seriously? The trumpet belongs to the brass family because it is MADE of BRASS, as are all instruments in the BRASS family...
worn horn
Yes, the trumpet is a B instrument.
A standard trumpet typically has three valve numbers.
The Flute is in the Woodwind section/family and the Trumpet is in the Brass section/family.
A Trumpet is a music instrument that is a member of the brass family. The sound of a trumpet is called a taratantara.
what family is the trumpet in
A Trumpet is from the Brass family.
brass family
The trumpet is the highest member of the brass family. By highest I mean it can go the highest in pitch.
Seriously? No, seriously? The trumpet belongs to the brass family because it is MADE of BRASS, as are all instruments in the BRASS family...
It's in the brass family.
Brass Family
The trumpet is more commonly known as just the brass family but it also fits in the category of wind and aerophone.