It led to the development of computing devices
In the future, nanoscience could lead to breakthroughs in materials science, medicine, and technology. It may enable the development of advanced nanomaterials with unique properties, revolutionize drug delivery systems, and improve the performance of electronic devices. Additionally, nanoscience could have applications in environmental remediation and energy sustainability.
Monitor, printer, plotter or scanner.
Protocols are set of standards that help programmers/designers/administrators to have common set of standards for Computing & Network Devices.
output devices are monitor,speaker,printer where you get your output
There are many pieces of computer hardware equipment that are considered output devices. Some examples of computer output devices are speakers, headphones, monitors, and printers.
They are considered as Input Devices or HID (Human Interface Device)
mouse, keyboard, touchpad, pretty much something that is used to control your computer.
No, they are permanent storage devices, only RAM is volatile storage device.