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Women can get the line down their rib cage and stomach by doing exercises and eating a diet that helps to lose fat and build muscle. A woman can do sit ups, lift weights, drink water everyday, eat breakfast and control stress.

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Q: What exercises can a woman do to get the line down her ribcage and stomach?
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What exercises get a flatter stomach faster?

Crunches. I suggest checking out the exercises in the abs diet book and the related question and answers further down this page, listed under Related Questions.

What is sliding hietal hernia?

A hiatal hernia is a weakness between the esophagus and stomach. In typical hiatal hernia, part of the top of the stomach sits alongside the esophagus in the chest (where it should not be). The person can have pain where the ribcage meets at the bottom.In a sliding hiatal hernia, the stomach is pulled upward when the patient swallows, then drops back down the rest of the time. You can picture it like the esophagus is a rope pulling the stomach up during a swallow, then letting go and letting it slide back down.

How do you use cool down exercises in a sentence?

i'm ready for some cool down exercises!

Where is the stomach in your body?

Your stomach resides in the left part of your abdomen just below the heart and left lung. It is surrounded by the heart and lung to the top, the liver to the right, the spleen to the left and the left kidney to the bottom. To find it on the outside of the body follow your ribcage down from the sternum to the left. When your finger is directly below your left nipple you will be in the general area of the stomach.

How do mammals breathe in or breathe out?

A network of muscles above the stomach but under the ribcage, called the Diaphragm, acts as a bellows and applies pressure on the lungs. It pulls down to cause the lungs to fill with air and pushed up to expel carbon dioxide from the lungs.

Why does the uterus lining break down each month if the woman does not get pregnant?

because the egg is not needed so the lining of the stomach is not needed to protect the egg. The lining breaks down and this is a period.

What does the stomach do to your food?

The stomach breaks down your food. When you swallow your food, it lands in the stomach. It is broken down by stomach acids and moved into the intestines.

When you breathe does your ribcage move up and down?

Yes, when you breathe, your ribcage expands (moves up and out) as your lungs fill with air, and contracts (moves down and in) as you exhale. This movement helps create the necessary space within the chest cavity for the lungs to expand and contract efficiently during the breathing process.

Which episode does a woman fart in casualty?

I can remember watching Casualty on the bbc somewhere around 2007 (give or take a few years), and in an episode a woman goes in to the hospital with a stomach ache, and one of the doctors presses down on her stomach causing here to pass wind. Does anyone have a clip of this or know which episode it was?

What breaks down food?

the stomach

Do you break food down into your stomach or your esophagus?


Food reaches the stomach by going down the?

Food reaches to the stomach by going down the esophagus.