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Talking DirtyIf it's not something you want to do, tell him no.

If you want to do it, ask him what kinds of things he would like for you to say.

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14y ago
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11mo ago

When talking dirty to a guy, you can use descriptive language to convey your desires and fantasies. Use phrases that are specific and turn him on, such as telling him what you want to do to him or describing how he makes you feel. Remember to gauge his responses and adjust your language based on what he prefers.

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13y ago

Then you tell him what he wants to hear. This is how I do it. (For Her.)

I think it's a two way street say what you would do if that person where there with you or in the situation you set up. Describe what it is you would do and how it feels. When you talk dirty it's like writeing a story only your talking about it and not writeing it. So that means you can say you would do things that you might not do in real life. Like If a guy said he was going to "Lift you up, pin you to the wall and then..........." He might not have the ability to lift you up, but the two of you can imagen that he can.

Say what you would want to do to him, speak your desires of him. Set up your story so that he ends up pleaseing you. For example you could speak of his hands caressing you, fondleing you, exploreing your body, discovering spots that turn you on that you might not have realised where there before. At the same time makes yours knees part there seprate ways he kisses you gently *time skip* he kisses your thighs *time skip* He takes the flat of his tongue and without penatraiting you licks your "wettest spot" up and down teasingly until you can't take it any more you grab his head gently and hold it tightly to you..........

Then you let him finish the rest. Do this back and fourth, that way you'll both enjoy it.

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15y ago

Talk about how your body feels, using the words you used to hear in gym class. Some people like to hear it whispered. Ask your lover questions: "Do you like this, *** (put a dirty name in here!)" Do you like my *** (body part)?" If you are embarrassed, focus your attention to your lover's reaction -- not how you feel.

If you're too embarrassed to do this, stand in front of a mirror when you're alone, point to each part of your body, and say -- out loud -- every word you know that describes that part. Try saying the words softly, seductively, harshly, threateningly -- every way you can think of, until you're comfortable with the words. Enjoy yourself!

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12y ago

First, tell him you find him attracftive and that you have immagined being intimate with him. ^That will give you an idea if he might be interested in doing so. Then tell him you have had dreams about being with him. Let him respond. If response is positive, ask him if he would like to participate in a dream over the phone, internet, etc.? If you are in each others presence, ask if he would want to live out his fantasy?

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16y ago

if your a guy then take control and do whatever you like she wants you to. If your a girl then make him invited into your pussy!

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15y ago

hello sweet cheeks you want some this naked body sexy (oh and be naked )

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13y ago

Tell him sexual things such as how your going to please him and how hard your going to suck him and about cumin into your mouth stuff like that works

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13y ago

It depends on what the guy finds exciting. They're all different.

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17y ago

Get her drunk

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Q: What exactly to say when talking dirty to a guy?
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