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The Jenny Craig method is a three-level food-mind-body plan including teaching clients how to eat the foods they want in small but frequent portions, exercising, and build balance in their lives.

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Q: What exactly is the Jenny Craig diet?
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Related questions

Where can I find info on jenny craig diet plan online?

The Jenny Craig diet plan is pretty popular, and can be found in many different spots. Try looking at Jenny Craig's website. Go to your doctor and discuss this diet with him or her. Check your local libary in the health section and see if there is a book about the Jenny Craig diet.

What are the release dates for Diet Doctor - 2005 Jenny Craig?

Diet Doctor - 2005 Jenny Craig was released on: USA: 2005

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the Jenny Craig diet?


What are the benefits of using the Jenny Craig diet?

The benefits of Jenny Craig diet is first and foremost losing weight. You will also learn how to eat better and get exercise in.

Where are some reviews of the Jenny Craig diet?

There are several websites and magazines that contain various reviews regarding the Jenny Craig diet. UShealthnews also reviews the diet and is available online.

Stick with a Winner - Th Jenny Craig Diet?

The Jenny Craig Diet is one of the oldest diet plans around and for good reason. It has helped thousands of men and women lose weight. One of the best things about the Jenny Craig Diet is the support system it comes with. A diet is tough enough, but if you have to go it alone, it is almost impossible. With Jenny Craig, you always have someone to turn to for help and support, even if it is an online forum. Another great thing about Jenny Craig is the variety of healthy and nutritious foods that is available with it.

Is it difficult to follow the Jenny Craig diet?

The Jenny Craig diet may be easy for one person to follow or it may be hard for another person to follow. The difficulty of the diet depends on the person.

What makes Jenny Craig an expert?

Jenny Craig and her husband created a diet and nutrition plan in 1985. Jenny Craig is a weight loss program that consists of a specific menu and meal plan.

What can you eat on a Jenny Craig diet?

The Jenny Craig diet gives you a lot of food options to choose from. They can send you the food that you order from them. They have things like cake for desert and lasagna.

Does the Jenny Craig diet plan promise a quick fix?


Are there any proven results of the Jenny Craig diet?

There is no way to prove you will have a certain result from the Jenny Craig diet, as diets rely largely on body chemistry and the individual's adherence to the program.

Does Jenny Craig promise a quick fix?

No, Jenny Craig promises a way to lose weigh, but only if you stick to her diet. The diet may take of 15lbs. a month, but only if you stick to it.