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The event that determined the status of slavery during the 1850s was the Wilmot Proviso. It was also a major cause of the Civil War.

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Q: What event determined the status of slavery in territories in the 1850s?
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Which of these determined the status of slavery in territories in the 1850s?

not Brown v. the Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas

What determined the status of slavery in territories in the 1850s?

Under the 1850 Compromise, New Mexico and Utah were allowed in as slave-states, in exchange for California as free soil. After that, Kansas and Nebraska were to be admitted on a local vote on slavery ('Popular Sovereignty'). This resulted in bloodshed that foreshadowed the Civil War.

What new bill revives the controversy about slavery in the territories in the 1850s to 1861?

Dred Scott v. Sanford

Which political party with a central antislavery philosophy became popular in the North in the mid 1850s?

The Republican Party became popular in the North in the mid-1850s with a central antislavery philosophy. It was formed in opposition to the spread of slavery into new states and territories.

What was important national issues in the 1840s and 1850s?

Immigration and slavery

Which of these weree important national issues in the 1840s and 1850s?

slavery and Immigration

What was the political party that wanted to stop slavery?

The Republican Party was the political party that emerged in the 1850s with the primary goal of stopping the spread of slavery. Led by figures such as Abraham Lincoln, the party opposed the expansion of slavery into the new western territories and eventually played a crucial role in the abolition of slavery during the Civil War.

What was the significance of Lincoln's election as President?

The election of Lincoln served as the primary catalyst of the American Civil War. The United States had become increasingly divided during the 1850s over sectional disagreements, especially regarding the extension of slavery into the territories.

What were important national issues in the 1840's and 1850s?

Immigration and Slavery. APEXimmigration and slavery

What was the biggest abolition movement in the 1850s?

The Compromise of 1850, were five bills that were intended to crush regional bitter conflict. The goal was to handle the spread of slavery into territories in order to keep the northern and southern interests in balance.

What issues led the split in the democratic party in the late 1850s?


What divided the North and the South in the 1850s?

# North # South # West